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Adi Tatar: Persecution of Muslims in russia.

One must admit quite openly that the russian judges are very ignorant. How can one ban collections of hadith? That is crazy! :) The russians yet again prove to the world that they are backward and oppressive people. And Putin’s and Medvedev’s ways to run this "jail of peoples" is no different from Hitler’s and Mussolini’s. I am amazed that our religious leaders haven’t yet appealed to the international Muslim community for help and support. There is no way to persuade these stupid russian "judges" in the idiocy of their actions. They are so stupid that nothing will help them. But the wrath of the international Muslim community could certainly make an impression on the dead russian brain. Russia is all alone and hated in this world. I don’t think it can afford the hate of 1.2 bil people.

05-03-11 01:06

Irek Bikkinin ×òî íàñ æäåò äàëüøå? Ïðîêóðàòóðà çàïðåùàåò ñáîðíèêè õàäèñîâ Ïðîðîêà Ìóõàììàäà è ñî÷èíåíèÿ ðîññèéñêèõ ìóôòèåâ è áîãîñëîâîâ  04-03-11 08:30
Adi Tatar Persecution of Muslims in russia. 05-03-11 01:06
Adi Tatar  Ñèìôåðîïîëå íà÷èíàþò ñòðîèòåëüñòâî Ñîáîðíîé ìå÷åòè.  05-03-11 01:07
Adi Tatar Kazan - ku’t!!!   05-03-11 01:15
Irek Bikkinin Ìóôòèíóí Øàôèåâ ññûëàåòñÿ íà Ëåíèíà êàê íà àâòîðèòåò äëÿ ìóñóëüìàí  05-03-11 17:18
